Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 1

I started this blog to record my experience with learning how to run barefoot and with my initials being B.F., I thought it was fitting to call it BF Running.

I've heard about running barefoot or with minimalist shoes/huaraches for the last couple of years but got a lot more interested recently when a friend told me about his experience and recommended that I give it a try. So, after studying on it for a little while and looking at my options for minimalist shoes (such as the Vibram Five Fingers) and running sandals, I decided to make a pair of the huaraches similar to those worn by the Tarahumara of the Sierra Madres in Mexico who are well known for their long distance running either barefoot or using their homemade "running sandals."

I found Vibram 4mm Cherry sheet at a local shoe repair store this week and using the homemade huarache manufacturing process shown on and green 550 cord, made 3 pair of huaraches Thursday evening. One pair each for my 2 boys at home and 1 pair for myself.

The first opportunity I had to run in them was this morning. Everything I've read about MR (minimalist running) said to start slow and get your feet, legs, and body used to doing something very new, so we (my son, Joe, & I) did just that. We went down to our local rail-to-trail bike path to try them out. It was still cool this morning, about 45F, and the bike path was still wet from our recent rains. It felt good to run near barefoot, even better than I expected it would. My stride naturally changed to avoid heel striking and it was really amazing to feel every little bump, twig and pebble. Joe said it felt like getting foot massage.

We ran approximately 3/4 mile in 6 minutes, which was 1 minute longer than recommended to start with, then walked another 1/2 mile. On the way back, we ran off and on for another 3 minutes for a total of about 9 minutes running. Altogether we were on the trail both walking and running for over 30 minutes. The feet and legs felt good throughout but my calves are a little sore. I'm looking forward to trying it again. I'll let you know how it goes.

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